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How I Set Up My Neovim for SvelteKit

My LSP config setup for SvelteKit in 2024 using Neovim

November 13, 2024 4 months ago
Post categories: sveltekitneovimlua

Svelte and Neovim

If you’re a Neovim user who has worked on SvelteKit projects over the past few years, you’ve likely encountered the issue where .svelte files wouldn’t automatically update types from load() functions in .ts files.

There were various solutions available, but I believe these have mostly become obsolete and likely won’t work anymore. I ran into this issue myself when I noticed that the automatic type safety between my load() functions and page $props() was no longer working.

As always, my dot files are open source, so feel free to browse the setup there if you need additional context. If you’re facing the same issue, here’s how I fixed it.

I was using something like this:

local on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
  if == "svelte" then
    vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWritePost", {
      pattern = { "*.js", "*.ts" },
      group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("svelte_ondidchangetsorjsfile", { clear = true }),
      callback = function(ctx)
        client.notify("$/onDidChangeTsOrJsFile", { uri = ctx.match })

But with the latest versions of Neovim and the LSP, this no longer works. I had to find a new solution.

LSP Setup

I’m using the Lazy package manager and Mason-lspconfig to manage my LSP setup, so your results may vary depending on your configuration and OS. I have read that this setup is for Linux but might not work for MacOS or Windows.

Here’s my complete Svelte LSP configuration:

local svelte_lsp_capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", {}, capabilities)
svelte_lsp_capabilities.workspace = { didChangeWatchedFiles = false }
  capabilities = svelte_lsp_capabilities,
  filetypes = { "svelte" },

This code alone may not work unless you’re familiar enough with your Neovim config and plugin manager to know how to apply it. You can view the entire LSP config file here for additional context.

I hope this helps someone, as there wasn’t much documentation available when I figured this out.