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SvelteKit form validation with Valibot

Creating a formData extraction system that relies on Valibot schemas for simple validation

Posted February 16, 2025 (updated February 25, 2025) 24 days ago
Post categories: sveltekitvalibotformactionstypescript

SvelteKit & Forms

So you have a SvelteKit site, the chances are that you’re also going to have a lot of forms. The chances are also that you’re going to want to validate the data of the incoming formData to prevent erronious submissions. There is also a good chance that you want strong typing via TypeScript to ensure that everything is correct after you get the data.

We can achieve all of this in a clean, repeatable manner.

“Hold onto your butts” - Ray Arnold (Jurassic Park)

I’ll be examining how I achieve this by breaking down a user registration flow, but I need to cover a few things first.

Validation on the Frontend

Form validation can take place in multiple places, and it should. Browsers have fantastic methods to validate input on the frontend before the data is even submitted. But this blog post isn’t about that- however, I do have a blog post about Enhancing HTML Form Validation with Svelte 5 that touches this topic.

You should be validating input on the frontend, but you should also be validating data on the backend. Defense in depth is key when handling user input.

Valibot vs Zod

In the grand scheme of things, Valibot is the new kid on the block. Zod has been an established player in the data validation space for a while. The reason why I’ve adopted Valibot is because of it’s modular architecture and treeshakability. It’s faster and will ultimately result in a smaller bundle size.

If you prefer Zod, these principles still apply - just swap out Valibot for Zod in the examples.

Simple Valibot Schemas

Valibot can do a lot. I have some more complicated data validation schemas that I work with but I am going to keep this example extremely simple. It’s simple, but still very powerful.

Let’s look at a schema that validates a basic registration form with first name, last name, email, and password fields - each with their own validation rules. I removed my custom regex validator to make it a little more clear for the unititiated.

export const RegistrationSchema = v.pipe(
    first_name: v.pipe(
      v.string("You must enter a first name."),
      v.nonEmpty("First name is required.")
    last_name: v.pipe(
      v.string("You must enter a last name."),
      v.nonEmpty("Last name is required.")
    email: v.pipe(
      v.string("You must enter an email address."),
      v.nonEmpty("Invalid email address."),"Email address is required.")
    password: v.pipe(
      v.string("You must enter a password."),
      v.nonEmpty("Password is required."),
      v.minLength(8, "Password must be at least 8 characters.")
    confirm_password: v.pipe(
      v.string("You must confirm your password."),
      v.nonEmpty("Confirm password is required."),
      v.minLength(8, "Confirm password must be at least 8 characters.")
  v.check((i) => i.confirm_password === i.password, "Passwords dont match")

export type RegistrationForm = v.InferInput<typeof RegistrationSchema>;

As you can see, I export both the Schema and the Type. The type is generated from the schema using Valibots v.InferInput function and results in this type:

type RegistrationForm = {
  first_name: string;
  last_name: string;
  email: string;
  password: string;
  confirm_password: string;

The SvelteKit Form Action

Let’s take a look at the action that handles the form data. I have removed most of the business logic so we can concentrate on the important parts.

export const extract_form_data = async <T>(
  request: Request,
  schema: v.GenericSchema<T>
): Promise<{
  data: T | undefined;
  error: string | null;
}> => {
  try {
    const formData = await request.formData();
    const result: Record<string, any> = {};

    // Convert form data to an object with proper handling of multiple values
    formData.forEach((value, key) => {
      // Case 1: First time encountering this key
      if (result[key] === undefined) {
        result[key] = value;

      // Case 2: Key exists and is already an array, add new value
      else if (Array.isArray(result[key])) {

      // Case 3: Key exists but isn't an array yet, convert to array with both values
      else {
        result[key] = [result[key], value];

    const validation = v.safeParse(schema, result);

    if (!validation.success) {
      // Some extra dev logging that helps with debugging
      if (dev) {
        console.error("Validation errors:");
        for (const error of validation.issues) {
          console.error(`- ${error.message}`);

      if (validation.issues && validation.issues.length > 0) {
        return {
          data: undefined,
          error: => issue.message).join(", ")

      return {
        data: undefined,
        error: "Error validating form submission, please check everything carefully."

    return { data: validation.output, error: null };
  } catch (error) {
    if (dev && config.verbose_formaction_logging) {
      console.error(`Error extracting form data: ${error}`);
    return { data: undefined, error: `Error extracting form data: ${error}` };

If you’ve hand-rolled your own SvelteKit form actions, you’ll notice that I am not doing the standard const data = await request.formData() that normally takes place. That’s because I’ve rolled my formData extraction and Valibot validation into a reusable function that returns a fully typed object, or an error as a value.

I can do this by using generic types and passing the Valibot schema for the expected formData as an argument. This makes the function easily reusable across my project.

Let’s take a look at my extract_form_data() function:

import { dev } from "$app/environment";
import * as v from "valibot";

export const extract_form_data = async <T>(
  request: Request,
  schema: v.GenericSchema<T>
): Promise<{
  data: T | undefined;
  error: string | null;
}> => {
  try {
    const formData = await request.formData();
    const result: Record<string, any> = {};

    // Convert form data to an object with proper handling of multiple values
    formData.forEach((value, key) => {
      // Case 1: First time encountering this key
      if (result[key] === undefined) {
        result[key] = value;

      // Case 2: Key exists and is already an array, add new value
      else if (Array.isArray(result[key])) {

      // Case 3: Key exists but isn't an array yet, convert to array with both values
      else {
        result[key] = [result[key], value];

    const validation = v.safeParse(schema, result);

    if (!validation.success) {
      // Some extra dev logging that helps with debugging
      if (dev) {
        console.error("Validation errors:");
        for (const error of validation.issues) {
          console.error(`- ${error.message}`);

      if (validation.issues && validation.issues.length > 0) {
        return {
          data: undefined,
          error: => issue.message).join(", ")

      return {
        data: undefined,
        error: "Error validating form submission, please check everything carefully."

    return { data: validation.output, error: null };
  } catch (error) {
    if (dev && config.verbose_formaction_logging) {
      console.error(`Error extracting form data: ${error}`);
    return { data: undefined, error: `Error extracting form data: ${error}` };

note: The reason you have to pass the type with the schema, instead of deriving the type inside of the function, is because the schema: v.GenericSchema<T> argument expects a genertic type to function correctly.

I added some extra and perhaps redundant comments to the code to try and explain what everything does. If there is a validation error from Valibot, I will return it’s value to be used in SvelteKit’s fail function to the frontend. The chances of this happening are kind of low, since I am also validating input - but it does happen.

The data returned, if successful will be fully typed based on the schema. Which makes working with the data more fun.

UPDATED: Improved Type Inference

Update (February 25, 2025): After some experimentation, I’ve found a way to improve the extract_form_data function to eliminate the need to pass the type parameter explicitly.

Here’s the updated version:

import { dev } from "$app/environment";
import * as v from "valibot";

export const extract_form_data = async <
  TInput = unknown,
  TOutput = TInput
  request: Request,
  schema: v.BaseSchema<TInput, TOutput, v.BaseIssue<unknown>>
): Promise<{
  data: TOutput | undefined;
  error: string | null;
}> => {
  try {
    const formData = await request.formData();
    const result: Record<string, any> = {};

    // Convert form data to an object with proper handling of multiple values
    formData.forEach((value, key) => {
      // Case 1: First time encountering this key
      if (result[key] === undefined) {
        result[key] = value;
      // Case 2: Key exists and is already an array, add new value
      else if (Array.isArray(result[key])) {
      // Case 3: Key exists but isn't an array yet, convert to array with both values
      else {
        result[key] = [result[key], value];

    const validation = v.safeParse(schema, result);
    if (!validation.success) {
      if (dev) {
        console.error('Validation errors:');
        for (const error of validation.issues) {
          console.error(`- ${error.message}`);
      if (validation.issues && validation.issues.length > 0) {
        return {
          data: undefined,
          error: => issue.message).join(', ')
      return {
        data: undefined,
        error: 'Error validating form submission, please check everything carefully.'

    return { data: validation.output as TOutput, error: null };
  } catch (error) {
    if (dev && config.verbose_formaction_logging) {
      console.error(`Error extracting form data: ${error}`);
    return { data: undefined, error: `Error extracting form data: ${error}` };

With this change, we now use the more specific BaseSchema type with its three type parameters, allowing TypeScript to automatically infer the output type from the schema itself. This means you can now call the function like this:

const { data, error } = await extract_form_data(request, RegistrationSchema);

TypeScript will automatically know that data is of type RegistrationForm without you having to specify it explicitly.

The key differences are:

  1. We’re now using BaseSchema<TInput, TOutput, v.BaseIssue<unknown>> instead of GenericSchema<T>
  2. We’ve removed the need to pass the type as a generic parameter
  3. TypeScript can infer the return type automatically from the schema

In Conclusion

This approach makes handling form data in SvelteKit both safer and more maintainable. The combination of frontend validation, strong typing, and systematic backend validation creates multiple layers of protection against invalid data. Plus, the reusable nature of the extract_form_data function means you can drop this pattern into any form handling needs you have.

You could extend this further by adding custom validators, creating more complex nested schemas, or even building a library of common validation patterns for your project.

With the recent update to improve type inference, the API is now even more ergonomic while maintaining all the safety benefits.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to reach out on BlueSky if you build something interesting with this pattern.